Page 101 - Gnosis volume 2
P. 101


                   ral resurrection cannot be that of all the defunct bodies of the adamic era, the problem

                   of this resurrection cannot be waived aside. The theory of the resurrection of the flesh
                   is, indeed, accepted by the Old Testament and upheld by the Gospels. It is an article of

                   the Apostles’ Creed, and an object of liturgical prayers in the Master Canon.

                     The question is, therefore, to know in which sense, according to esoteric Tradition,

                   this  doctrine  should  be  interpreted.  For  it  seems  a  natural  apogee  to  the  dramatic
                   evolution of the human species on Earth.

                     This  subject  cannot  be  broached  without  referring  to  the  age-old,  much  debated

                   problem of reincarnation.

                     The  two  questions  of  resurrection  and  reincarnation  are,  indeed,  closely  linked
                   together. It is unnecessary to repeat, here, what has been put forward already in the

                   first volume regarding reincarnation proper and pseudo-reincarnation . But we must
                   add the following data.

                     If we admit that man is endowed with a Soul and a body, we admit that this Soul has
                   become incarnate. And if we consider the Soul to be immortal, it is not illogical to think

                   that it can utilize this faculty of incarnation once again or even several times. If, like all

                   the  Christian  Churches,  we  accept  the  principle  of  the  immortality  of  the  Soul,  it  is

                   difficult to understand the why and the wherefore of a single terrestrial life which, in the
                   great majority of cases, is an aimless wandering from one error to another and which

                   ends in moral bankruptcy and physi-

                         Ref.  t.  I,  pp.  274  and  following  in  French  original  version;  pp.  302-303,  in  English
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