Page 134 - Gnosis volume 2
P. 134


                   servative  Jewish  spirit.  Its  members  were  converted  to  Judaism  but  their  Idumean

                   origins were responsible for a certain spirit of independence towards their milieu. This

                   attitude explains the politics they pursued with the Sanhedrin on the one hand and with

                   the Roman authorities on the other.

                     Now, Herod Antipas, who was reigning at the time of the Forerunner's ministry, was

                   well disposed to John the Baptist whom he considered as a just and holy man.
                     But  St.  John  reproached  him  for  marrying  Herodias,  who  was  his  niece  and  his

                   brother, Herod-Philip's former wife. Herodias managed to bring about John the Baptist's

                   arrest first and, finally, his execution.

                          From  the  esoteric  point  of  view,  it  is  important  to  analyse,  in  the  measure  in
                   which the scriptures allow it, the causes for the Forerunner's elimination. Did Herodias

                   act on her own account out of vengeance, or was she the instrument of the forces of

                   darkness which utilized her for their ends? And were these forces not at work already
                   when Herod the Great tried to do away with the child Jesus in ordering the massacre of

                   the innocents? But one must admit that the birth of the King of the Jews, foretold by the

                   Magi, did not represent an imminent personal danger to Herod but only a distant threat.
                   After an agitated reign, Herod the Great had attained the ripe old age of seventy two

                   and was to die one year after Christ's birth. But St. Matthew tells us that he

                        Herod the Great, called the Ascalonite, son of Antipater, prime minister of Hyrcan II, the
                   last of the Macchabees, was born in the year 72 B.C.
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