Page 40 - Gnosis volume 2
P. 40


                   ter  than  the  former.  This  difference  is  accentuated  by  the  fact  that  every  creative

                   process, which goes through a normal evolution, gains speed as it progresses. Though
                   the  growth  of  the  human  species  has  lasted,  sixty  or  even  a  hundred  million  years ,
                   starting from the tertiary period, man of the contemporary physical type, that is, homo

                   sapiens fossilis, a type which is very primitive still, must have made his appearance only

                   about forty thousand years ago, during the later paleolithic period. And the psychic type
                   of modern man, of the man without , that is homo sapiens recens, can be traced back
                   about 14,000 years .
                     If we want to represent the entire growth and development of man by means of a

                   diagram in which time will be the axis of the abscises, it will be necessary to draw the

                   line of growth two thousand times longer than the line of development. And the upward
                   sweep of this graph, in accordance with the axis of the ordinates, which is insignificant

                   during  the  period  of  growth,  becomes  very  rapid  at  the  period  of  development,  as

                   shown in T. II, fig. 2, p. 74 in the French original version; p. 97, in the English manuscript.
                     This  exposé  corresponds  integrally  with  the  biblical  account  given  in  the  Book  of

                   Genesis, and according to which, the creation of man took place in two distinct stages:

                   the first human group  being pre-adamic, men and women, created in the image of the
                   Creator ; then came the creation of Adam, followed by that of Eve, bone of his bones
                   and flesh of his flesh .
                     It is after Adam that man received the faculty, in

                     5  T. I, p. 145 French original version; p. 150 English manuscript.
                     6  Mark, IV, 11.
                       T. I, chap. XIII.
                     8  Genesis, II, 7.
                       Genesis, I, 27.
                        Genesis, II, 21-23.
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