Page 8 - Gnosis volume 2
P. 8



                     The first volume of Gnosis is consecrated to the exoteric cycle of traditional teaching.

                   The present volume is concerned with the mesoteric cycle. The third will deal with the

                   truly esoteric cycle.
                     In the systematic traditional teaching, each cycle corresponds to the three different

                   degrees of general education, thus:

                     1. The exoteric cycle corresponds to elementary esoteric teaching. As such, its aim is

                   to furnish the student with the necessary data or the basic material with which he can

                   work. In short, it represents the A, B, C of the Doctrine.
                     2. The mesoteric cycle, like secondary schooling, tries to impart to the student the

                   substance of a general knowledge (culture ?) and to teach him a method.

                     3. The esoteric cycle is equivalent to the higher, or university education.

                                                          *      *

                     It is necessary to note that in any bona-fide (serious ?) esoteric teaching, as is the case
                   in  general  education,  the  elementary  stage  is,  naturally,  more  or  less  uniform.  The

                   secondary stage in traditional teaching, as in its secular counterpart, lays the accent on

                   the first step towards specialization: classic or modern in secular teaching, monastic or

                   laic in the esoteric sphere. As
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