Page 139 - Gnosis volume 2
P. 139


                     The acquisition of Knowledge, however, is not without danger. It can make conceit

                   flow into man's feeble heart; and conceit makes any esoteric evolution impossible. The
                   path which leads to Knowledge is narrow and borders a precipice. Only Personalities in

                   possession  of  an  adequately  developed  magnetic  center  may  venture  on  this  path

                   without running too big a risk. This is where the law that Jesus enounced enters into

                   force: for he that hath, to him shall be given; and he that hath not, from him shall be
                   taken even that which he hath .
                     Knowledge is only an intermediary temporary stage and cannot be deified. Love alone

                   reveals the divine nature: it proceeds from God, for God is Love . Gnosis is the staircase
                   that leads the faithful (Fidel) to Christ's palace, to the Kingdom of God. In this sense it is
                   the Precursor-Spirit that presides over the esoteric work undertaken by the Forerunners

                   – the work which should open the doors to the Era of the Holy Ghost, just as John the

                   Baptist's work was to make straight the paths leading to the Cycle of the Son.

                          The efforts accomplished under the sign of Knowledge must fulfil two essential

                     The first one is that they be oriented in the right direction. For this, esoteric work

                   must lead towards a liberation from the lie without which it is not possible to accede to

                   the Era of the Holy Ghost. The forerunners cannot fail in this domain, where the rule

                   that  Christ  formulated  enters  into  full  force:  no  man  having  put  his  hand  into  the
                   plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God . If this

                     28  Matthew, XII, 25, 29; Mark, IV, 25; Luke, VIII, 18-19, 26.
                        I John, IV, 7-8.
                        Luke, IX, 62.
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